Summer of Tech

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How Does Pushpay Encourage Continuous Learning?

How to encourage continuous learning in the workplaceFor businesses, continuous learning is about encouraging your team to consistently gain new skills and knowledge. It has many positive knock-on effects and in the right environment, you’ll gather a legendary team of lifelong learners. So how can an environment of continuous learning help you to support your interns? We gathered three main tips from Pushpay summer 2020 interns - Nina, Bernadette, and Jemima! Here's how to bring the best applicants forward, and to ensure they have an awesome experience during their summer internship. 

Environment is everything

Pushpay’s skill-development mindset was clear from the beginning, says Jemimah. “It was right in the job description. I remember they said they were looking for someone with a willingness to learn.” Bernadette saw the company as a welcoming environment where she could develop her technical and soft skills. And Nina? “The mentors never minded taking the time out of their day to answer a question, even though they are extremely busy! I chose Pushpay because they have a people-first culture.” The takeaway - fostering an inclusive and encouraging office environment will boost your applications and leads to happier interns, too!

Pushpay helps interns tame the tech feed

A big part of working in the tech industry is keeping up with constant changes. “It’s one of the biggest challenges,” Nina says. “Not only learning and keeping up with your tasks but staying in touch with shifts in the community.” Pushpay clued into this conundrum, and Jemimah reckons they’ve come up with an awesome solution - the interns are sent relevant books to boost their learning throughout the summer. Jemimah, Bernadette, and Nina all believed it was helpful to be amongst others who are also keeping up-to-date. It’s easy to share insights into the tech world when you are surrounded by other techies! 

The wise teach the new!

The learning doesn’t stop there. New interns at Pushpay can also talk to employees who once stood in their shoes. “Pushpay has taken on interns in the past, as well. Many are here as employees,” says Jemimah. “Being able to talk to them and relate to what they’ve gone through as interns is really helpful. We not only have each other, but a team of past interns to provide advice as well.” The previous interns (Click here to see Gina’s story!) didn’t hesitate to bring this years' into the mix - they were welcomed with open arms and plenty of wisdom!Thank you to Jemimah, Bernadette, and Nina for sharing about your summer internship experience at Pushpay. We hope their insights help you to cultivate an awesome(r) work environment for your summer interns! Thinking of taking on an intern of your own? Click here to register. Alternatively, drop us a line here if you need some extra support!