Summer of Tech

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How to Deliver Impactful Presentations Throughout Your Career by Deloitte

For some of you, the thought of delivering presentations may be daunting. However, you may need to do presentations during your internship or career. So how do you communicate your message clearly and, most importantly, how do you ensure it’s impactful and engaging?

We collaborated with Deloitte, our fantastic sponsor and employer, to help you out! We heard from Olivia Russell (Senior Learning & Development Advisor at Deloitte) and Samantha McDiarmid (Early Careers Talent Acquisition Advisor at Deloitte), who gave us some pro-tips for virtual presentations. Summer of Tech Alumni, Aidan Robert (Senior Consultant, Risk Advisory Services (Cyber)), also talked about his experience with Summer of Tech and his career journey to Deloitte.

In the session, attendees got asked to share their ‘Loves’ and ‘Bugs’ for virtual presentations.

Here are a few of the tips and techniques shared:

  1. Clear and impactful slides

  • Keep your messaging crystal clear! Have minimal text, use bullet points as prompts to expand, and give examples when addressing your audience. Avoid long paragraphs and reading directly off slides.

  • Use images and video to reinforce the key points you want your audiences to remember.

  • Cater to auditory and visual learning through your content. People absorb information in many different ways.

2. Use online tools for engagement

Zoom’s “annotate” function, breakout rooms, chat functions and virtual blackboards encourage the audience to get involved and contribute to your presentation. With online presentations or anything digital, you almost have to over-compensate with interactivity!

3. Rehearse your presentation

Rehearsing will help you keep to your intended time limit. 

  • Practise with someone you trust and feel comfortable around for unbiased feedback.

  • Practise slowing your speech right down, so it’s clear. Most people talk fast when they are nervous.

  • Avoid getting side-tracked when presenting; try writing notes and practising them.

4. Power poses

Learn how to turn your nervous energy into confidence with a few rounds of 2 minute ‘power poses’ by Amy Cuddy before you begin.

5. Create psychological safety and comfortable environments for you and your attendees

  • Ensure people feel safe sharing their ideas, speaking up, and asking questions without fear of being judged.

  • Encourage the use of the chat functions for attendees who could be shy.

  • Use icebreakers to get attendees relaxed and open to share.

  • As the presenter, you may feel more comfortable if you ‘pin’ a teammate so you can focus on a familiar face.

  • Share personal stories and examples, and don’t be afraid to share experiences that make you seem human.

Thank you to our wonderful speakers for sharing their presentation knowledge with us. We hope these tips help you ace your next presentation.

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