Summer of Tech

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My Internship at Lyniate - Chitrakshi Verma

We met with Chitrakshi Verma, who completed a 3-month course at Enspiral Dev Academy and landed a summer internship with Lyniate as a Testing Engineer in 2021. In Summer 2021, she shared her internship experience with us: the highlights, challenges and advice for the 2022 cohort.

Why did you choose Lyniate?

I’ve been a chef for the past 8 years. Going to Enspiral Dev Academy and then Summer of Tech was a big change for me career-wise. During the career development course, I really liked the testing side. I applied for tester internships and dev. 

I am from a doctor’s family, and I was going to become a doctor. I saw this opportunity to work for a company that builds software for hospitals and healthcare. I wanted to give service to healthcare to do some good indirectly. 

What has been the highlight of the internship so far?

By far, the amount I am learning and the support I am getting. I’ve learned a lot in one and a half months, and the support is really good, even though I am working remotely. 

When working remotely, you get quite introverted. It’s good to go for 10 min walks every 2-3 hours to get fresh air. 

Have you had any challenges or anything unexpected?

When I first started, there was a certificate for Lyniate. The material was very new to me, so it took me some time. But I overcame it and passed above 90%. Challenges learning-wise, but that’s what learning is! 

What is a valuable skill you’ve learned from your mentor?

Keep at it - if you can’t solve an issue, put it aside and come back to it with a fresh head. The more you fail and the more errors you get, the more you know about the problem. 

What kind of support have you been getting from your team?

I get full support and communication from my mentor - she’s always there for me. 

How did Summer of Tech help with the internship process?

I found out about Lyniate through Summer of Tech. I am new to I.T., so I don’t know a lot about what’s out there - Summer of Tech helped me see what I was getting into. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give a student starting the Summer of Tech programme in 2022? 

I would say start early. Know your stuff - know your material and companies. Be confident, and don’t be scared. Coming from hospitality, I’ve never given an interview like this before. 

I wasn’t scared - you’ve just got to go for it and be confident.

I got rejected by one company first, but you’ve got to take the growth feedback.

Why tech?

It was recommended to me. If you’re good at solving problems, go for web development. My old path didn’t suit me. I am curious and took the leap for a career change. 

What’s next for you?

I am planning to stay here - I really like this company and its support and learning process. I want to carry on with Lyniate, because they invest so much time and energy in me.