Summer of Tech

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C# 101 by James Freeman

Content contributor: Diya Suresh

C# is a modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language from Microsoft. Being a developer in C# opens many doors - it is cross-platform and developers can use C# to create mobile apps, desktop apps, cloud-based services, websites, enterprise software, and games. It is one of the leading programming languages in the world. It's continually updated... and relatively easy to pick up!Today's bootcamp highlight is brought to you by Summer of Tech volunteer/mentor and experienced software developer: James Freeman. James is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of tech - here's what he shared during the event!

What is C# all about?

C# is very established, scalable, versatile and users do not have to worry about memory management. You can create great outcomes without having to remember every detail. It is an object-oriented and type-safe programming language. C# can run well in a .NET ecosystem. This ecosystem is supported by Microsoft - .NET is a framework for building applications on windows. 

James' key takeaways:

  • Keep learning about C# and read more about its concepts

  • Follow some C# gurus on social media

  • Reached out to industry leaders on LinkedIn - see if you can find a mentor!

Thanks, James for sharing your overview and experience with C#!

Keen to learn more?

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