Help Xero Hire You!

So… you’re thinking about applying for an internship at Xero, are you? Excellent! Not only do they have an amazing and globally recognized internship program, but they are also very well known for helping students to learn and grow in a super nurturing environment. One of the biggest challenges any student will face is making sure they can stand out in the crowd; Xero gets a very large number of applications! So... We did some digging to find out what you can do to help stand out in the crowd. 

Be in your penultimate year

To secure yourself a spot at Xero you need to be in your penultimate year of study. This means that you are in your second last year of study before you graduate. For example, if you are completing a 3-year degree, your penultimate year is your 2nd year of study. Easy peasy right! If you’re wondering why you need to be in your penultimate year, it’s because Xero’s internship program is a precursor to their Grad Program; they want to offer interns a place on the Grad Program after you’ve completed your studies the following year. This is why, to get the most out of your experience with Xero, they ask that you only apply for our Summer of Tech internships when you’re in your penultimate year*. *Please note that an offer for a place on the Grad Program is subject to your end of internship review and role availability.

Have a passion and purpose for what you do

One of the other things Xero is looking for when they hire interns is passion and purpose. In other words - do you have a passion for tech? And… are you doing a degree that is taking you to where you want to be? For example, have you chosen a course that will teach you how to be a software engineer if you want to be a software engineer? Or, taken some papers in cybersecurity if you want to work in cybersecurity?

Walk the talk! 

Walk the talk! Xero wants people who love to learn. So…. attend bootcamps (especially Xero’s bootcamps!), make sure they are in the discipline that you are applying for. For example - if you would like to apply in the security sector, attend security bootcamps! List other courses or workshops you have done on your CV if you are doing them outside of Summer of Tech. Showcase any passion projects you have in this space. 

Learning over Perfection

Do you need to be perfect? The answer is no - you don't need to be perfect. Xero aren't looking for the perfect coder, data specialist, or security person; they want you to learn and grow with Xero! After all - you are at the very beginning of your career!

Where to from here?

  1. Step one is to check that you are eligible. Are you truly a good fit? If not - what can you do to make sure you are? There is still time for that passion project or to attend the rest of the bootcamps! Do that.

  2. Next, check out their roles on the Summer of Tech platform and make sure your CV is pretty obvious in explaining how and why you are eligible. Apply via the Summer of Tech platform! Attend Meet n’ Greet! Make sure you touch base with them at the event and let them know you have applied.

Keen to learn more about working at Xero?

Xero's Top Tips To Getting A Tech Internship - Part Two 


Hiring Technology Graduates and Interns in Aotearoa in 2021


Advice For Career Changers and International Students