Summer of Tech

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Summer of Tech Intern Profiles: Olivia Carline

Why did you join Summer of Tech? You may be thinking you already have enough on your plate - Uni, part-time work, maybe a few extra curriculars. But if you're going to have a few extra-curriculars, Olivia Carline believes participating in Summer of Tech is a no-brainer.  "It's a free program that invests time and resources into helping students prepare for the tech industry, provides the opportunity to network with some of Wellington’s finest companies and potentially help you to land your first serious job". Olivia found applying for internships through Summer of Tech was streamlined and easy, and she didn’t have to worry about completing multiple applications through various companies. At Summer of Tech, applying for internships is literally at the click of the button once you have your profile completed! Olivia found this process stress-free - filling out one set of forms for multiple internships was far simpler than other program. Whilst university was providing  great preparation for technical skills, Olivia found she was still missing employability and core skills that are vital for interviewing and securing jobs. The Summer of Tech CV and interview skill workshops were great at helping her fill these gaps in her learning, and gain information Olivia feels she can utilise throughout her technical career. The hardest thing about the Summer of Tech program for Olivia was figuring out how to stand out from the other Summer of Tech students!  Luckily Summer of Tech hosted a workshop on this, which helped Olivia identify her strengths. Other workshops ensured her interviewing and networking skills were up to scratch, and Olivia attributes this preparation to helping her secure her internship and not feeling like another face in the crowd. But Olivia's prep was so good, she was offered multiple jobs! Not the worst problem to have, but it does put one in a tricky situation. After the initial feeling of being overwhelmed, Olivia got to work deciding on which internship she would accept. This was achieved by writing down a list of what she hoped to achieve in her internship, what the pros and cons were of each role and what position would help her reach my future career goals. This is a fantastic and systematic way to decide, and we encourage other students in a similar position to follow Olivia's advice. Lastly, Olivia has some tips to share with the next influx of Summer of Tech students on how to make the most of the program - best of luck!

  1. Network, as they say it’s not what you know, but rather who you know. Talking to employers after they present a workshop or even sending a thank you email can help to ensure that they remember your name when it comes to the hiring stage.
  2. If you’re lucky enough to land an internship, try to treat it with the same effort you did with your interview. The Wellington tech industry is a small place and it’s almost certain you will run into your current employers and colleagues in the future, make sure they have good things to say about you.
  3. Apply for internships that might seem out of your depth or expertise. After all, an internship is all about testing the waters and seeing if you would enjoy doing this role full-time after you graduate.