Planning for Interns

So you've decided to hire an intern - nice one.

Whether you're a seasoned employer of interns or a first timer, planning for an interns arrival can sometimes be tricky. There's a list of things to do, and we're here to make sure you don't miss anything.

1. Budget

Seeing as free-labour internships are an archaic relic of the past, you need to make sure you have your finances sorted. Summer of Tech internships are paid, and we recommend to pay your intern at least a living wage. There are also registration and placement fees involved during the programme you will have to factor in, before presenting your budget application to the correct department within your organisation.Many companies require budget requests to be in by the beginning of the financial year so don't let this one slip through the cracks!

2. Project

Ensure you have a planned project, workflow or task for your incoming intern. Start thinking about projects or tasks that can be added to your intern's workload. Sometimes interns can get through tasks very quickly, so make sure you have a wish-list!  With a clear project lined up, goals and specific learnings can be drawn from this, making the value for both your company and intern apparent from the get go. 

3. Mentor

To gain maximum value out of your new hire, assign a mentor and buddy before they arrive. By providing a go-to person for your intern to reach out to, they will feel more comfortable asking questions and have a clear idea of their team's structure from day one. Mentoring also provides incredible professional development opportunities for your employers - in Summer of Tech's 2017 employer survey, over 50% of respondents said they used the programme for mentoring opportunities for their staff. 

4. Onboard

The first week is going to be an adjustment period for both you and your intern. Have a clear list of what you expect the intern to achieve - but don’t forget to treat your intern just like any new employee. Giving your intern a good idea of office culture, dress code, your expectations and procedures is a great way to ensure they feel included and welcomed. Keep in mind there is may be an opportunity to retain your intern after the summer internship has finished, whether this is on a full-time or part-time basis -just be sure to keep communications and expectations clear! This is simply a guide to planning for an intern - as every organisation is different, there isn't one clear cut way to do things. With over 10 years of providing the Summer of Tech program, we have seen many different styles and structures for internships. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions - we're here to help you grow the next generation of talent!


Mythbusting Internships


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