Bootcamp Highlights - Communication & Interview Skills

Guest Blog by Randy SlocumThis is a great chance to prove that you're a perfect fit for this role.

  • Come prepared with some different stories that help describe you as a strong candidate. The more you practice these, the more confident you'll seem!
  • Staying cool and confident puts you in a place to succeed. The time to stress about interview questions is before the interview.
  • Do preliminary research, but in the interview have confidence in your answers.
  • This is your time to convince the employer that you're the best candidate, take the needed time to thoroughly prepare for this process.

Keep in mind, you may get some curveball questions that are impossible to prepare for. The best way to handle these is to give them a good go, but don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.


Bootcamp Highlights - How different companies interview


Choosing the Right Role for You