Bootcamp Highlights - Design Portfolio
If you are looking for a designer role, you need a portfolio. Employers want to see what you have done and you won't get to the interview stage without one. Luckily we had the awesome Ella and Jon from Alphero to help us navigate through. Here are some tips to help:
- Start now. It doesn't matter if you only have a couple of school projects to display, add to it as the year goes on. Your portfolio should be evolving all the time, so don't wait until it's "finished" or "perfect".
2. Include as many different types of work as possible. Print, digital, illustrations; it's all relevant. At Summer of Tech, the internships available will mostly be in web and mobile design, so make sure you include digital examples.
3. Get feedback from industry professionals, as well as your lecturers.
4. Be specific. What, when, why, how, where. These are all apart of the story that the employer wants to read. If you have done a group project, make sure you explain what your part in it was.