Summer of Tech

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WLG Hackfest - team Game of Homes

Our premium student skills development event for code & design students in the programme is Hackfest, a 2 day app-building challenge for teams of SoT2017 students. They’re supported by industry mentors, and the challenge this year was to use an API or dataset, and build something cool in a weekend, e.g. a web/mobile app or data visualisation.Here’s the profile of one of the teams from our Wellington Web Hackfest, held at Flux Federation on the 12th & 13th August 2017:Team: Jackson (Design), Sean, Jack, Mathew, Bronsun (Developers),  Erica Anderson (Mentor)App Name: FutureproofWhat does it do? Futureproof is a web-app that helps home buyers determine the relative future safety of potential homes from extreme events.What tools did you use to build it? We used the GeoNet API for the earthquake information. The location information was found using Google's Geocoding API. The final website was made purely with HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery. There were early attempts to integrate Amazon Web Services and use React JS but they were not present in the final product. The website was prototyped using Figma and Invision, and then the assets were brought to life in Adobe Illustrator.Anything else you’d like to share about your Hackfest experience?

Hackfest was a unique crash-course in teamwork and web development. The constant support from mentors helped make the weekend a huge growth opportunity, and learning to use the Agile mindset helped us pivot technology choices and scope the project correctly.


More photos

Some photos from the event are up on Facebook and there were a bunch of tweeted updates over the weekend too.