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Summer of Tech has impacted 2,898 talented individuals embarking on tech careers in 2024. 1,034 students and graduates attended 78 free events, and 132 were hired into tech internships and grad roles. Discover more insights into our 2024 programme.
2024 has seen huge student engagement, a super-sized volunteer crew, and very low job numbers. We took a deep dive into the data for our first 100 placements this year, showing markedly different hiring trends for new tech talent.
80% of New Zealand graduates have little or no confidence in their job prospects, according to a recent survey. What a waste of talent, potential, and social investment. Under-investing in interns and grads will have ripple effects for decades to come, NOW is the time to grow our future.
Candidate resources
We have a range of bootcamps across various topics, so it can be a little daunting to figure out which one to attend. Bootcamps will teach you to be successful when you start your first job.
Want to know what skills employers think are important? We’ve looked at and listed all the key skills across all the jobs from 2022.
Four reasons why you should attend bootcamps. Here are four reasons why you should attend Summer of Tech bootcamps.
2024 Summer of Tech Volunteer Events: delivering impact and support in a tough job market
In the past 3 months over 400 students and graduates have attended Summer of Tech events, delivered by industry volunteers, alumni and the Summer of Tech team. We’ve been at 7 career fairs around Aotearoa, and spoken to hundreds of keen and engaged students and graduates ready to kick start their careers in the tech industry.